Sunday, July 5, 2009

Goodness it has been a while

Sorry for disappearing everyone, but this year has been a hard one.

With the loss of Lucky and Hyde, my heart just wasn't in to blogging.

And then life got busy.

We started renovating the back area of the house - made the spare bedroom into my office, built a closet to store stuff like the vaccuum and the steam cleaner and lots of other things. We also did a bunch of fencing outside.

In the midst of all this, Bailey went to Provincials for bowling. She bowls 5-pin and was entered with her teammates Cortney and Jillian into the "Combo Team" event. Well, the ended up winning Provincials and then continued onto Nationals, where they also won Gold. We are very proud of them.

We also did a bunch of horse stuff. Sent Gidget off for more training - what a mess that ended up being. And then she went off to be bred. That ended up better. We also bred Rondee and Ding with great success.

Anyways. I was going to do one big post for each month I had missed but found where I had been keeping a journal of sorts so will put things in in the order they are in the journal. I sure hope you don't mind going and reading things that happened to me way back in March.

Here's to some good reading and even better - PICTURES!!

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