Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh boy - problems in the office - April 22

OH MY how things can change.

I thought my office was ready for paint and a new floor until I told Doyle that I really didn't want to paint the crappy panelling that was on the two walls that he had not touched.

So to keep me happy, he pulled off the panelling, only to find BLACK MOLD on the drywall under the window. And that wasn't all. He found small strips of carpet under the drywall that had not been removed when they built the new wall and it had retained the moisture from the leaking window. The insulation was also rotting. So it is a very good thing I complained.

On the inside wall, he found LOTS of problems with the drywall...and the framing. A couple of the 2 x 4's used in the framing are warped. So they are being replaced.

Now, on top of having new drywall, etc. I also got a new bigger window in there. One that has been built in properly.

I am soo happy I have a handy hubby.

I am still struggling with paint I go light or dark? White or color? And also thinking of how to set everything up - make a desk, buy one, how big, with a curve? And filing cabinets - legal size - letter size - 2 drawer - 4 drawer?

Decisions, decisions.

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