Saturday, July 18, 2009

Interviews start again - May 7

After months of sending out my resume and being "on-call" at numerous staffing agenices around the city, I finally got a call yesterday about a job interview. This one was set up for me by one of those staffing agencies.

The job is working at the Shell Refinery in Fort Sask. The job is in the new construction area working in the frieght office - railway and truck freight. It is doing admin work - also a bunch of data entry of all the frieght weigh-bills etc.

The pay is decent and so are the hours of work - 24 hrs a week to start split to 6 hrs/day Mon - Thurs.

After the training, there is a big possibility of more money and more hours a week (going to full time).

It is a foot in the door to one of the biggest oil and gas companies in Canada. So here's hoping!!!

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