Sunday, July 5, 2009

Off for a spring vacation - March 31

Well, I am off for 5 or 6 days to visit my parents in BC. Kids are on spring break so instead of keeping them cooped up at home...I am trapping them in a moving vehicle for 2 days. WHAT WAS I THINKING???

Dad took me on a tour of the place as it had been a while since our last visit. The rock wall behind the house is done and there are plants there to cover the remainder of the soil showing. They also did some nice flower beds around the house.

This beautiful pink rock was actually dug up on their property. Isn't it stunning?

The two little rocks with their names on them were given to them at a wedding. This was done in place of paper place settings. Very cool.

While we were there visiting, the kids went bowling. Bailey has to keep up her practice time before Nationals. We took Morgan (my parent's neighbors little girl). They put up the "bumpers" on the lanes which didn't help Bailey and Shayne any. Shayne actually had fun trying to figure out how to get a strike by bouncing the ball off the bumpers.

We also had SNOW while we were there. How dumb is that. I go south to get away from the snow and brought it with us.

We also travelled over to Trail for spaghetti. YUMMY. Aunty Ilene and Uncle John joined us. It was great seeing them again.

On the way back over the Salmo-Trail mountain range, I took these pics of the snow still up at the summit. These drifts are 10 - 15 feet high. Amazing.

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