Saturday, July 18, 2009

Nationals Day 2 - May 3

Sunday dawned bright and early. We thought we would beat out the breakfast rush in the hotel restaurant so ordered breakfast in. There must have been a lot of others who did the same thing as our food arrived COLD...with not enough cutlery and the coffee carafe was EMPTY. But at least we got ours, some people didn't before it was time to head off for the day.

Girls were off again by 8 to head out to the lanes. We arrived around 9 to see them start their first game. Enthusiasm was in short supply with our girls. Not sure what is up with that. They are always serious but WOW - not even a smile or cheers when they would get a strike. We even dragged out our cheering gear of blue and gold pom poms and made up cheers but it didn't work.

They still did really well, winning 5 of their 7 games. This places them tied for FIRST with 10 wins. The 2nd place team has 8 wins, third has 7. So it is a pretty tight race.

We are trying to keep it from the girls where they are in the placements so as to not put a lot of pressure on them. But ??? I think they know...maybe our tension is rubbing off onto them???

After the games were all done, we went and picked up Shayne and Melissa from their day of fun - they went to opening day at Canada's Wonderland. It is a MASSIVE amusement park. Melissa won herself a MONKEY. The stupid thing is almost 5 feet tall...4 feet around...and probably weighs 30 lbs. I have NO IDEA how she is planning on getting it home. LOL

Then went out for dinner and then to the CN tower - our only siteseeing adventure of the entire trip. That was pretty cool. On our way back from there we went past the Much Music building and then drove through a MOVIE set that was on one of the streets. Cops were out directing traffic - letting some through. it was pretty neat. Wish we were here for a bit longer so we could see more sights.

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