Sunday, July 5, 2009

March came in like a lion

We had a couple really good snow storms in March. It would be nice and then it would snow...then nice...then snow again. Bet the ducks and geese are confused.

The storm on the 22nd promised to bring 5 - 10 INCHES of snow. Glad that didn't happen...but it came close.

I took a few pics. I tried to get some different views of the trees in the front yard - angled the camera...tried to get some "snowflake falling" pics too.

Others were just taken to show how much it was snowing and blowing. As you can see, the snow came right up to the bottom of the trampoline. YUCK

On one of the nice days, I noticed we had a visitor in the front yard. At first I thought it was our big tomcat...but then noticed that he was eating the tree. Not something a cat would do. I went out the back and kept Maggie and Max occupied while Doyle sent the "not so fuzzy" thing off to the big pine forest in the sky.

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