Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fitness evaluation - March 8

I did it!!! Or rather it is working. Slowly but surely.

I had my first fitness evaluation today. I have lost 8 lbs in 8 weeks. But have lost FIVE...count them...FIVE inches off my waist. Two inches off my hips...3/4 inch of each upper arm...1 1/2 off each thigh and 1/2 off each calf.

I have gone down in my BMI but can't remember the number...and have increased my water value (or something like that) by almost 2%.

We discussed the problems I have been having with my back the last two weeks...and I am to continue with my chiropractor and to get into do some massage and some IMS again.

I also did 10 more pushups than last time...the same sit-ups...longer core strength work. She is, however, worried about my heart rate as it seems to get up there really fast and takes a while to go down. She said that even though that is happening, I am still able to talk...which she said is strange. She wants me to take my heart rate in the morning...3 times...before I even get out of bed or stretch or get a comparison of "totally at rest" to working.

I am also to get to the dr. to get an inhaler as we are both thinking that it may be a little bit caused by my asthma - not getting enough oxygen so my heart has to work harder (kind of like Hyde hey???).

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