Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Playa Del Carmen - Cozumel - Jan 17

It has arrived. Our last full day in Mexico. And it is almost nice out. Still warm by Canadian standards, but still chilly and a bit damp for here.

We decided to go to Playa Del Carmen and then over on the ferry to Cozumel again today. We still have a little bit of shopping to do for friends and family, so this is our last chance to do it.

We arrived in Playa and I headed directly to Diamonds International and bought my pendant. I had finally decided that it was exactly what I wanted...and told Doyle so. LOL A girl sometimes has to do what a girl has to do...right ladies???

After that, we wandered around and bought some more souvineers for people. And got our ferry tickets. We had just over an hour until the next one left so decided to go grab some lunch at Senor Frogs.

The ferry ride was HORRIBLE again. It was very wavy...just typing about it my stomach is going up and down. NOT GOOD.

The weather was great though. We walked all over the place and bought a few more things. I spotted this cute little chihauhau dog just outside one little market. Isn't he adorable???

Cozumel, the parts we saw, were very cute. Reminded Doyle and I of all the little islands we saw on our cruise...the colors and the parks in the middle of the town square.

We headed back to Playa just before dark. We walked around a little more trying to find a new place to eat. And came across a wedding procession coming right down the middle of the shopping street (5th Avenue). The bride and groom looked very happy - and she was comfortable in her blinged out FLIP FLOPS. LOL

We found a cute little restaurant called "Charlie's" and had a great little meal.

I took some night shots of one of the little shopping streets that goes down to the pier. Once of the ferries was sitting there...and you can just make out the lights of Cozumel on the horizon. I wish it had turned out better!!!

It was then time to head back to the resort via taxi. The taxi driver this time was talkative and we found out that there are almost 700,000 people living in Cancun, 127,000 living in Playa Del Carmen. He also told us that people can live quite well on a monthly income of $1500 US. Houses (normal sized ones) sell for around $55,000 or so. Very interesting information.

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