Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Year's Eve

was a spent at home. It was a quiet day - spent packing - and a quiet night.

Mom and Dad came over in the early afternoon.

Luke arrived shortly after...he was travelling from Grandma Rose's to his house in Edmonton as he and Coreen had plans for the evening. Mark arrived shortly after Luke did. Neither of the girls came as Coreen was working and Autumn was still too sick to want to do any visiting.

Mom and Dad were very happy to see Mark and Luke as it had been 3 or 4 years since their last visit.

We had a great meal of Prime Rib Roast and potatoes and an even greater time visiting.

Mom and Dad stayed until just before midnight. They debating staying overnight but decided to go back to Jodi's instead as Jodi had left her house unlocked for them to get in and they didn't want anything to happen.

Doyle and I stayed up just long enough to say "Happy New Year" and then crashed.

All in all, I think that is the perfect way to bring in the New Year.

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