Saturday, January 24, 2009

Boxing Day

was spent with my family.

Mom and Dad arrived first - around 10 am.

Mom, Melissa and I worked on getting the bird into the oven while Dad and Doyle brought in all the baking that Mom had done as part of her x-mas gift to all of us.

Turns out there is going to be around 25 of us sitting down for dinner. Everyone is going to make it this year except for Mark and Autumn and Luke and Coreen.

Loralee, Pat, Kandie and Jeff arrived next. Loralee walked in with a small cooler and some bags of goodies and proceeded to cover the coffee table in the tv room with veggies and dip, sausage, cheese, crackers and the like. WOW...we could fill up on just that.

Justin and Justine were next to arrive. It was great to see them. It had been a while. Next in the driveway were Cheryl, Rick and Allan. So that was all the Murphy's. Cheryl and Rick remembered the stools and tv tables - thank goodness.

Last to arrive was Jodi, Fulton and little Brandi. She was in fine form...not scared of anyone this year. Guess almost being 4 is a good thing.

While supper was cooking, Cheryl, Jodi, Justine and I went into the back room and organized the baking into 10 pile for each house. WOW...what an undertaking. There is enough baking there to last MONTHS. And boy, does it ever smell good.

Dinner went without a hitch. Everyone had a good time...everyone pigged out. Much praise was lavished on the cooks.

And desert was even more special with "someone" eating right out of the bowl (not mentioning anyone's name - right Doyle).

And the grandson's even did up the dishes!!!

All in all it was a great day. Good food and even better company.

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