Friday, October 17, 2008

Wrangler Cutting Futurity - Gunner's results

Well, the poor little man was not feeling good when he got to Calgary...and you could sure tell. His whole demeanor was cranky and so showing that he really did not want to be there.

Jason showed him through the first go and with a couple good cows and some nice work on Jason's part...they got a score. It wasn't great...but it still counted.

On Thursday, Gunner's "bumps/hives" were even worse and in discussion with Jason and his Uncle Scott we made the decision to pull him from the competition. There was no point in souring him and/or getting a really bad showing. It is also nicer to the other competitors who actually have a chance on getting to the finals to not use up the cattle.

While I am very disappointed that this happened, there will be other shows in the future.

This season, however, is over. We are not going to push Gunner to show in Utah. He is going to go home with Jason and get turned out there on a small pasture with a buddy and will rest. We will start over in late December and do some small shows in January and see where Gunner's mind set is then.


Paige said...

I think Regumate for a few weeks before the show is in order, as well as an antihistamine for the hives---but experiment with that to make sure you are not overdosing and making him drowsy.

that is what one ofm y vets recommended

Carrie T said...

When Jason gets back we are going to sit down and do up a "game plan".

Right now Gunner is outside with another stud and is being taught that he really isn't "all that". Poor boy.