Monday, October 13, 2008

Mare pen fencing is underway.

Because Hyde and Molson are being such good boys. We have put off starting the stallion runs until spring and are concentrating on getting the mare runs started.

We will have 4 large runs of 33 x 66 feet and 2 smaller 33 x 33 runs.

My men hard at work on the front side of the big pens (these pens will run lengthwise from north to south with the gates on the south side going into the yard).

Here is the far east and back line of fencing.

Here is the far west and back line of fencing.

Here is the front (east) side of the smaller pens (these pens will be square and there will be two of them with the gates opening to the east).

We will then separate it into the 6 runs...each run will have it's own water trough...big metal gate...and a plywood shelter in the back northwest corner.

Doyle is being very careful with this fence. Each post is measured from front to back - so that we get an even 8 feet between the center of each post...and they are all being measured for height as they are pounded and also leveled as they are pounded so that they aren't leaning.

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