Monday, October 13, 2008

Oct 1 - New pet

Laundry day at the farm is always a big deal. I go through the entire house picking any and all dirty clothes. I brought up all the stuff from the bathroom
downstairs - scattered all over the floor (clothes and wet towels) and
sorted it all in the laundry room.

When I was done - this little guy was scrambling for a new place to hide.

Melissa and I found her aquarium in the basement and set it up for him. He had the pretty rocks etc. And seems very content. We then went online to see what they eat. Didn't come up with much.

On her way home from work the next day, Melissa stopped at PJ's Pets and bought this little thing a bunch of stuff - rocks (of which she could have gotten for free out in the pasture) - sand - some wood shaving stuff - meal worms - a swimming dish - lizard house - all to the tune of $70. OMG

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