Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kids and activities

With the start of the school year also comes the start of the after school activities.

Shayne, of course, is doing his bowling. And Bailey decided she was going to try indoor soccer.

Well, soccer lasted all of 2 practices. Bailey just isn't keen on "playing hard" as she is still at the age where she would prefer to have fun. So she has now joined bowling again.

Bowling is also under going a change. They have TONS of kids this year in the much so that it is hard for the kids to get through their 3 games in the 2 hours that they have. So the coaches are starting up a Tuesday night league for the Senior kids. My two would move.

It would mean a lot more one on one with the coaches which would be great for Shayne. His is one of their most promising young bowlers.

Not that you would know it after yesterday though. Bailey on her first day back bowled a 193 game - Shayne's highest was a 154...well under his average.

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