Friday, October 17, 2008

Lance has issues

Got home yesterday and Doyle told me that his new horse, Lance, didn't seem to be feeling good. Said that he had been laying down lots and hadn't been interested in food at all.


As I don't know the horse well - or his history - a phone call to Mom and Dad was made. I told them what was going on and they would relay it to Brian and Sarah when they got home (they are renting an apartment from Mom and Dad). Brian called and I told him what was going on ... and he gave me some history.

Lance has gas coliced before and they walked him out of it. Other than that he has been healthy his entire life (he is 18 by the way).

I had already turned Lance and Lucky out in the arena and had pushed them around - walking and trotting - to see if that would get anything moving and it could have been cause there was a bit of a "smell" in the air when I was done. LOL

I also got on the phone to Paige. We decided to give him some Banamine just to help him out a little with the pain and that seemed to do the trick. I also walked him out into the pasture to see if he would be interested in the long grass...and he ate a little but not much.

I kept a close eye on him for the next 4 hrs...going out and moving them around the arena - IN THE DARK CARRYING A FLASHLIGHT. The last time was at midnight...Lance was laying down again so I kicked some dirt at him and he got up and the two horses loped off and he bucked and kicked and farted.

This morning he was up and ready to eat...doyle gave him some oats while Lucky had her senior feed. And then he tossed them their hay. Both horses ate all their grain and have since cleaned up their hay.

I have been watching them closely today and Lance is very alert and interested in seeing all the stuff at the front of the house that he couldn't from his pen behind the I think we are safe.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Just found you! What a GREAT blog! I love Cuttin' and I LOVE your dogs! Can't wait to catch up on your posts!

Hugs from Texas!