Sunday, October 12, 2008

Well, we may be on the way to finding out all my body issues finally. Here is what all my test results showed.

1. gallstones - was told to watch my diet - no more gravies - fried foods
2. endometrial polyp - another ultrasound required at beginning of cycle
3. reflux from bladder to right kidney - appointment with urologist being made - not sure what they can do to fix if this is the case - would be the cause of the bladder infections and my sick feeling as my body would not be cleaning out the poisons (toxins) properly
4. thyroid - right side is 2 x the normal size - have nodules on it - one on the back side is 14 mm so 3/4 inch - that could be causing my sore throat and the feeling of having something stuck in my throat - ultrasound required in Feb to see about any changes.
5. High blood pressure - have meds to start when I get home

So lots to take in but nothing really life threatening. I have my blood pressure meds but not going to start them until after I get home from Red Deer as it says to not drive the first couple days.

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