Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Farrier

I hope I found a keeper.

Her name is Erin...and she is great. Young and enthusiastic...and knowledgeable. The horses responded to her really well with only Gidget really testing.

Ace and Dolly are always my test for the farrier. Ace had an injury to his front knee and every once in a while he HATES for it to be trimmed up. But he was a good boy. And Dolly with her trust issues can be hard to do...not that she is mean...but if she gets scared it is hard to do her feet...and she sometimes doesn't want to "bend" her knees and hocks to get the feet to where they need to be.

The two boys were in the barn the entire time everyone else was being trimmed and NO NOISE from either of them. It was very interesting to see Molson watch Hyde and imitate him. Both stood for the most part at the back of their stalls with their butts to the other horses.

So all in all a great day. And we have already REBOOKED!!! For December 23. I will have to figure out someway of getting heat out in the barn.

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