Friday, September 21, 2007

Bailey went riding

It seems to be an impossibility but Bailey actually asked to ride Sonny the other day.

This is my little timid girl...wanting to ride a green horse rather than her well broke - well behaved mare.

Interesting hey?

She didn't ride for long but it was long enough for her to realize that as long as you keep yourself in control and don't show your fear then you will be fine.

She even rode IN THE YARD and not in the arena which seems to be the only place she will ride her mare.

So this is a boost for her and one for Sonny. He was very well behaved - even reversing for her when she has no body weight to put behind the request in the saddle. LOL I would say he is coming into himself as a well behaved man.


p.s. I know she needs a helmet - now that she is really showing an interest we will go get her one this weekend.


Elly'sMom said...

WooHoo for Bailey! She looks great.

Paige said...

They both look great, and I am so glad to see how well Sonny is doing with a little consistent riding!