Tuesday, September 11, 2007

V Day

is tomorrow.

The Vet will be here at 1 pm.

She is scheduled to do Sonny and Lucky's teeth and then put Semi and Copy down.

Backhoe will be here at noon to dig the hole.

We have decided to bury the girls next to India - my 2 year old that broke her leg 2 years ago. I picked out a couple nice big rocks to be moved over there as well...Doyle figures he will be able to move them on the weekend after we get the graves leveled a bit better.

My girlfriend Sharon is going to come over so I have some emotional support during all this. Doyle will be at work and the younger two kids will be at school. Melissa isn't sure if she can handle this so I would imagine she will be inside the house or will take Skeena out for a good ride during all this.

I will be taking a pile of pics tomorrow of these two wonderful old horses.



Paige said...

I will be thinking of you all day. Let me know when it is over

Lazy A Ranch said...

I am sorry you had to go through this, but as we know this is part of being an animal owner. It is the sucky part none the less. I hope you are doing better today.

Carrie T said...

Thanks Ladies.

It was a long hard day - and I am glad it is over.

It was very peaceful so that was really good.

I will miss all of them for sure. But I know it was the right thing to do.