Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Down two more

The fourth Saturday of every month is the big horse sale at the Tofield Auction. I loaded up Dusty and Paris on the Friday and hauled them in...not that I normally sell at auctions, but they have been for sale since they were weanlings and no serious bites on them.

Needing to downsize, this was one of the ways to go about it.

Had lots of interest in them from the people looking the horses over in the stalls. One of the main comments was how quiet they were and accepting of everything. One gentleman asked how often they leave home - due to their quiet nature - and I said this is the first time. He was amazed and called his friend over to look at them as well. Maybe they ended up being one of the buyers???

I set a reserve on them and both exceeded it...and both went to homes...so I am happy in a way. Definately didn't get what I was asking for privately but what can you do.

Good luck to their new owners...they got some great little horses to play with.


MicBel QH said...

Glad your horses went to good homes! I don't much care for auctions either but sometimes there just aren't any other options.

Paige said...

Aint that a fact--and it sounds like they did as well as you could hope for.

And another step towards an easier winter, and streamlining your operation

Carrie T said...

That's for sure. It will be much easier to keep up with 8 horses here instead of 12.