Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fun times

Melissa and I went down to Dale's on Monday to see the boys. We got there early so got to watch Dale work a 3 year old futurity horse. That was neat neat neat. She had to correct him a lot for his head placement to start with but after she really got after him he was awesome to watch.

Then it was on to the boys. She grabbed up Hyde first (her assistant had warmed him up)...and it was off to the round pen.

All FRESH cattle too.

She has gone back to the basics with him as we had been pushing him a bit to see if he could possibly do a futurity class but he just isn't there yet - mentally or trained to that level.

He worked really well...was very attentive and only had to be told a couple times to add some new stuff in to the program. He is very good at rating the cows and moves off them on his own. And man is that boy fast. A couple times I thought he was going to jump right out from under Dale. His turn arounds are very speedy too.

After Dale was done working him...I asked if I could sit on him. Her response "of course, he is your horse". So I up got and she gave me a couple pointers...and then said "I am going to go get Gunner...you have fun". And off she went to the barn.

Hyde and I felt each other out for a few minutes and then it was off to the races. Not literally of course. But we did some reversing, some big circles, some really tight ones...then some trotting - he is either really rough - or I can't ride anymore. More than likely I just can't ride. LOL I also felt comfortable enough to lope. Probably on the wrong lead but we did it.

In watching the video - he sure isn't as comfortable under me as he is with Dale. So I have a lot of work to do.

When Dale got back, she said "sit on Hyde in the middle of the round pen and I will work Gunner around you.

That was interesting - especially considering the first cow she let in came right up and sniffed Hyde's nose. The thought going through my brain was "OMG - I CAN'T RIDE HIM IF HE JUMPS TO CATCH THE COW". Dale called to me and said "put your hand on his neck infront of the saddle pad and he will know to stay still and not work the cow". As soon as I did that, he relaxed. What a cool feeling.

Gunner went to work - rating cows and doing some turn backs. I think that little man is faster than Hyde. But he is funny to watch. He sits on his hind end and pops around the turns...looks like a small rear. But he sure is interested.

And Dale is sooo keen on them both it makes it worth the big cheque every month.

After all was said and done with Gunner, Dale told me to move the cow out of the round pen with Hyde. I laughed nervously. She said "keep your rein really loose and your hand really high and Hyde will know that he is just to push the cow and not work the cow." She then told me what to do with my legs etc. to keep him in position. I sure will learn a lot from her over the next year.

We moved the cows out and Dale asked me if I was going to open the gate. I said not this time - my sidepassing knowledge is very limited so we spent the next 5 minutes learning that. She said that it would be my turn next time.

I then got to ride Gunner back to the barn and around the barn yard. He sure is a little guy but very responsive.

I can hardly wait to go back again.



Paige said...

Glad you had a great visit and are getting to particupate some now yourself. That makes it easier to write that check for sure!

Desiree Thomas said...

Girl you and those horses are brave the cows look big enough to eat your horse with you on it LOL.. Great pics and you look so comfortable and happy up there.. Congrats!

Paige said...

All right, those pics of Gunner you have added are getting to me. I guess I am getting used to seeing Hyde on a cow, but these of Gunner feel like a blow to the chest---I think yo;u have a gold mine there. Either that, or the photog is getting REALLY good.

He looks incredible, and man that butt is all Diablo---

I am so proud I could bust, and so excited for you

Elly'sMom said...

You look GREAT Carrie! HOW FUN! I would so love to do that. I still have to watch the video's, I'll hopefully be getting to that here soon. You Go Girl! Kick some serious cow butt! And be careful and have a Blast!