Monday, September 10, 2007

Halfway to Heaven

Well, we have one part of "d-day" done. I have booked the backhoe for Wed am to come and dig Semi's grave.

Now to call the vet to come as well.

This is alot harder than I thought even though I know it is for the best.

Semi has been such a love the last few days.

I turned her out into the pasture with the other horses on the weekend and bring her in in the am and pm for her grain. This morning she was waiting at the gate. She is such a sweet old lady.

I will really miss her



Elly'sMom said...

Remember to take lots of pictures of her now, hug her well and love her dearly. This is undoubtedly one of the hardest things to do for any horse owner. My heart goes out to you. I don't know what I will do when I'm faced with the same situation, but I can just about guarentee, that I'll be a total basket case for awhile. It will be OK Carrie, just take it one moment at a time.

Paige said...

Look at it this way--she is happy and content in her final days, which beats the hell out of the alternative.

I know how much you will miss her

Lazy A Ranch said...

Prayers for you on that day. I had some alone time with my Cowboy before the vet came, I cried and hugged him a lot, and talked about all of the great times we had together. Remember to save some of her mane to make a keepsake to remember her always.

Carrie T said...

Leigh - thanks for your kinds words. It is the kindest thing you can ever do for your elderly animal. Now that it is done...I know that for a fact. Semi and I didn't spend too many years together and some wasn't great - but she was a love...just an absolute attention grabbing horse.

Paige - I miss her horribly already and it has only been one day. This morning was soo hard - going out and not having that "yippee - mom's bringing breakfast" whinny for the first time in 3 years.

Melissa - I have mane from all the horses I have lost. It is soo tangles and messed up and mixed up that I just didn't take any from Semi or Copy. I am going to work on my "gone but not forgotten" horse scrapbook and will put the great memories in writing instead.