Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Travelling man

Dale has been taking Hyde on field trips.

He has made one trip to Claresholm to a clinic. It was a day trip so he could get used to being away from home. She said he was a very good boy...and she even used him as a turn back horse for one rider.

The next trip was just this past Sunday. It was a competition in which her assistant was showing. Dale used Hyde to pony her show horse - just to show him it was okay to be doing that kind of work. She said he never batted an eyelash.

Then it happened - Hyde showed some SPUNK AND ATTITUDE. Dale thought she would take him for a little tour of the place and was out in a green belt. There was a group of mares and Hyde started talking. Well, that is just not allowed so he got in trouble. Normally he stops right away...but not this time. So he got in even more trouble and he rebelled.

Going so far as to REAR STRAIGHT UP and almost over backwards. Needless to say Dale was stunned and furious with him...and he got a huge tune-up.

I am glad it happened when he wasn't showing!!!


1 comment:

Elly'sMom said...

I hate to say this, but I'm glad it happened with Dale and not you on his back. I absoultely hate it when a horse rears like that. Dolly flipped over on top of me doing just that. Knocked me out cold. Thank God Dale wasn't hurt.