Monday, September 10, 2007

One almost gone - one almost here

Times are a changing.

I have 2 days left at my old job. They are having a pot-luck lunch on Thursday for me and have invited people from the other offices that I worked with. This, if the other ones are anything to go by, will be a "speech and gift" thing. And then, on Friday, a few of us are heading out to the bar for a bit of a bash - more relaxed and only those closest to me coming.

I have said good-bye to some of my co-workers as I won't be seeing them and that was hard enough one on one - I can't imagine saying good bye to a bunch at a time.

While there are parts of my job that I definately won't miss at all, it will be a week of needing kleenex for sure.

Less than a week to go for the start of my new job. Haven't been told what time to arrive for my orientation but expecting that anyday...if I haven't heard by Thursday, I will call them. Am a little nervous but also excited.

Have been getting the kids used to doing things on their own in the morning as well as myself - up at 5:45 today. By Friday I will be up at 5 am - YUCK. Not a nice thing that's for sure.



Elly'sMom said...

Ah, but think of how nice it will be at your new job. Saying good bye blows. But think of how much better you will feel once your in your new job. Enjoy the party and have fun!

Paige said...

This morning thing will put a crimp in our chatting, won't it?

Maybe you better go back to your old job!

Carrie T said...

It is going to be a blast at the new job. New people...and no STRESS...I hope. LOL

morning chatting will definately be out. and I don't know about e-mail still. will let you know.