Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend activities at the Ranch

We spent Saturday on fall cleaning. Leaves are turning faster than you can say "boo" that makes us want to get all the outside stuff done as well as some inside stuff done quickly.

I cleaned the house on Saturday morning and got a good supper going. My sister and her family (including her MIL and FIL from Nova Scotia) came over for supper. My 2 year old niece is just adorable.

She had to go and see the "baby kitties" and then she had to go "ride the horsey" with Melissa. So up she got on Sonny and round and round the yard she went...first by herself and then with Melissa. I was amazed - she has NEVER been on a horse before - and just wanted to keep going. She even told Melissa - "let's go ride that one now"...and was pointing at Gidget.

On Sunday, I had a webdesign client come over and we worked on his website. Got a few pictures up and made some design now just a matter of entering text, pictures and pedigrees and we will be good to go.

It was also a weekend of "steel toed boot" wearing. I did really well - wearing them for 6 hours on Saturday and 7 hours on Sunday...and NO blisters.



Paige said...

That was happening here too but it is back up to high 80s yesterday with a projected high of 90 today. If so, there will be no riding, as I am hitting hte pool for one last dip before closing it up.

So did you get pics of the baby on Sonny?

Elly'sMom said...

Sounds like a nice weekend had by all. Here it was work, work and work some more, no play time for me. Sniff, sniff..