Sunday, August 17, 2008

Visit to Jason's - July 13

Went over to Jason's this morning. Dropped of Skeena (Bailey's mare) for a tune-up.

Watched Gunner work. He was a lazy boy today. Jason had to keep after him constantly to keep moving...get going. An all around bad horsey day for Gunner.

I got a couple good pictures thanks to Paige showing me how to work my camera properly.

I did get to ride him for 1/2 hr or so to cool him out. He is very touchy compared to Hyde. Very active on the leg aides, even though my legs hit 5 inches higher than Jason's. I then got to sit on him while Jason rode his 2nd horse - who was also not very well behaved.

Jason's friend from Texas, Dan, rode some 2 year olds and pushed the cows around helping Jason. It was really neat to see them work together.

After we put those horses away, we went and caught Hyde. Put my new saddle on him. And off we went to the arena. Even after putting the stirrups to the very top hole, they are still about 3 inches or more too long. LOL

I got a more intensive lesson - even without stirrups. I learned how to do my turns properly...and why my feet should be where they should be. He also told me a bit about how he trains and why so that when I get to that point - like loping and coming to a stop - that also means that Hyde is to back up 3 steps...not just come to a stop (but that will be a little while in coming as he stops sooo hard and fast that I don't want to end up on my nose).

As we were untacking Hyde and loading him up, I asked how Gidget was doing. She apparently has had 7 issues. She has already been used as a turn-back horse - being ridden by Dan. She did do a small crow-hop on Dan yesterday as she was being a little stubborn and didn't want to lope so he gave her a bit of a jab with the spurs and she humped up. He rode her through it, pulled her down to a walk, asked her to lope again and off she went. They both figure that she will make a good little riding horse.

So all in all a good visit.

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