Friday, August 15, 2008

Flowers everywhere

Well, finally got around to shopping for flowers and then got the front garden cleaned up and ready.

Doyle hauled my 4 whiskey barrels out and filled them up with fresh dirt.

I decided to go with an orange, white and yellow theme this year. All my petunias are white and yellow (never seen yellow ones before).

And I found orange and yellow daisies (with purple centers).

I also found some orangy colored begonias and some red little flowers (have no idea what they are called though).

Each whiskey barrel got 6 white petunia plants and one bundle of daisies - alternating yellow and orange.

And the main flower bed was done in the rest of the flowers - with each color and type being matched from side to middle. Never let it be said that I am unorganized...maybe a little anal retentive when it comes to this but I think it looks great. LOL

I am very happy with the choices this year. I normally have pink and white or purple and white and was getting tired of this is a great flower year.

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