Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wooly girl

Considering Lucky wore a blanket for most of the winter - and at times two - she kept lots of her long long winter coat.

The blanket did rub her but she also shed out in weird places - in front of her flanks...along the shoulder and up both sides of her tail bone to her hips. The skin in those spots was very dry and flaky.

I had the vet look at them and she said that given her age it is probably Cushings and just a combination of that, the wearing of the blankets, and the type of winter we had. She said to just "use elbow grease" and get all the hair off...use a soft rubber brush and when warm enough give her a good bath or two.

I also had the vet look at Lucky's tumor on her side as it is getting bigger and bigger - and seems to be growing faster and faster. This is the same vet that was out in the fall so has a little bit of knowledge of Lucky. She said it still is nothing to be overly concerned still soft and pliable...and doesn't seem to bother Lucky when you examine it. So I guess we will leave it at that.

The vet's overall opinion of Lucky was that, considering her age (32), she is in really good shape. A little thin but that should recover once the green grass comes in. She also said to ensure that we up Lucky's senior ration as well as we had cut her back not really knowing about her leg. She also said that if Lucky continues to do well, that there should be no reason to think anything other than she could be around for years to come.

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