Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hyde - March 30 visit

Hyde was first on the agenda. He measured him and he is a full 14hh at the withers and almost 14.2 at the hip. And he looks like an adult horse finally. He looks absolutely beautiful. Jason has switched his grain mixture and WOW.

Hyde is moving just beautifully. He loves to work the cows at full steam. After a short warm up - in which I saw some fantastic powerful stops - it was on to the cows. Jason brings in a small bunch of weaner calves (around 500 lbs) and works them from the center of the arena. He has a 4 legged helper with them (his border collie). Hyde still "bulls" up into the bridle when Jason is resetting him after a stop where he has gone too far ahead of the cow...but Jason will allow him to go after the cow immediately after feeling even the slightest bit of relaxation in Hyde. It is great to see. All in all, Jason is very pleased with Hyde's progress.

Hyde also travelled with Jason yesterday to a cutting clinic. He was loped around all the other horses and didn't cause a ruckus. Jason said he was very happy with him. Hyde's first show in in Lloydminster on May 10/11. I can hardly wait.

What I saw that I really liked was that Hyde was willing to work and listen to Jason even going at a good rate of speed. And it was all on a loose rein for the most part. He is really really starting to look like a "full fledged cutting horse" in a lot of his stances!!

Chrissy, Jason's wife, manned the video recorder and I took pictures with the new camera on the "multi-burst" setting. I took over 350 pics of the two boys. Lots of series of shots. Here is a sequence of three shots that I really like because they really show how well Hyde is working now - at least to me.

At the end of the session with Hyde, Jason did some fast spins with him...said he could also make a bit of a reiner. When I mentioned that to Paige (who I bought him from) she said it made sense as his dam has some siblings that are reiners - and she thinks that one may have been the world champion. That is cool. I will try to get some pics and video of him doing that next time I visit.

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