Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lucky's hurt

Well, our YEARS of injury free luck ran out this spring. I got home one night from work and noticed that Lucky stumbled. The area around the hay bale was a bit lumpy, icy etc. from the winter so didn’t really think much of it…until Shayne came to me and said “Lucky was limping really bad today.”

So I went out and caught her…took her into the barn. Her front left fetlock was hot and swollen. So she was immediately on stall rest.

I started hosing the leg right away 2 x per day…and putting liniment on it. That seemed to help a little bit but not enough to make me happy with how it was getting better so after a week, the vet was called out.

Diagnosis – slight tear of the tendon in the fetlock.
Prognosis – good – but 5 weeks stall rest with leg wraps and hosing.

Well, as we all know, Lucky is the consummate “range pony” – hating anything to do with being kept indoors. We moved her to the “inside outside pen” and just put a piece of plywood across the doorway to keep her inside. She can see out all she wants.

The learning curve went in to full steam with me online trying to find a website that showed how to wrap a leg. I found one that showed it step by step. I then went into the city and bought quilted pads and stable wraps...and went to work.

The first couple days didn't go so well...but I have gotten lots better. It also helps that Lucky will now stand with her foot flat on the floor instead of holding it up...which, accidentally, made me wrap it with the fetlock bent instead of straight. OOPS

I made sure to take pics and sent them to friends to ask their advice on how I was doing and was told to take the wraps and move them down onto her hoof and start wrapping at the bottom and go up. So I did that and it worked lots better and Lucky was happier. Here is the next pic of my "new" wrapping technique.

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