Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gunner - March 30 visit

Then it was Gunner's turn. What a little man he is. So well put together it is almost scary. LOL

Jason was tacking up at his new trailer today as it wasn't unloaded yet from the clinic. He tied Gunner up and Gunner saw himself in the trailer wall. He started to "huff" at himself (guess he will like little sorrel mares hey?). Jason got after him quite hard as that behaviour is just not allowed. I was also told that Chrissy (Jason's wife) will not feed or clean Gunner's stall as Gunner has developed the habit of rearing up when someone enters his stall - no matter who it is. I told Chrissy to just carry a stick or a crop or something and smack his legs. She said she can't because she doesn't want to hurt him.

Anyways. After the studdy issues at the trailer, Gunner continued to be full of piss and vinegar when Jason started to work with him in the arena (still doing the ground work (limbering - circles - bending etc.) before getting on. Once on, Jason had to work at getting Gunner's attention and I thought I was going to see a rodeo. man...he is going to be something else for me to try to handle I think. EEPS

Once the attitude was calmer, Jason put him into a good lope and just rode him around. He sure is a powerhouse in his stops and turns.

Then it was time for the cows. Gunner isn't as "flowy" as Hyde...he likes to just blow through everything. But man...he sure looks fancy when he does it. The ground shakes when he turns and it sounds like he is a clydesdale. He is very keen on the cows...rates them great...and is very attentive to everything Jason is asking of him once he has settled. Gunner's first show will be in June sometime.

We measured Gunner when we got back into the barn. He is 13.1 at the withers and 13.3 at the hip.

Jason also told me to rethink my budget for the boys. To take away some of the funds from Hyde and put it on Gunner as Gunner will be able to make more money and will probably be the better show horse. He also wants to take Gunner to more prep shows than we had planned on just because of his studdy/explosive behaviours. LOL Doyle and I are thinking about how we can do all this...I think with careful planning and, with any luck, the sale of what we have to sell, we will be able to add in a couple more prep shows for Gunner and add another futurity...and maybe we won't have to short Hyde on his one and only show year.


Elly'sMom said...

Isn't Hyde the younger one of the two? With time he may settle some too. Just a thought.

It would suck to pull Hyde out of the one show, but, who knows, maybe next year is his year to bloom and this year is Gunner's?

Carrie T said...

Hey Leigh

Gunner is the younger one. Hyde is showing in "aged" events as he is a 4 year old. Gunner will show the big money futurities.

After this show year, Hyde will come home and stand at stud. If Gunner does really well, he will stay with Jason and continue to show through his 4 year old year.