Friday, July 20, 2007

Trying to move everyone

I can't believe it has been over a week since I posted. Lots has happened - most of it exciting. I will probably break it down into different posts so this one isn't HUGE.

Friday, July 13, Melissa and I went and moved horses from one pasture to another - grass is starting to get low. After a basically uneventful move, I happened to look over my shoulder as I was closing the last gate to notice that two of the group of eight that we had just moved were actually WAY WAY too far to the north. And we all know what that means - FENCE IS DOWN. So out we time to keep the other 6 in.

Then it was a matter of trying to figure out how to get the 6 back into the old pasture which has no grass from the one that is almost belly deep. So it was off to the races - literally. No one wanted to be caught so here we are - just the two of us remember - trying to herd the horses through this long grass in a 10 acre pasture. NOT happening. So we sent Bailey back to the barn to get grain. Well that got 5 of them. Lucky, my 31 year old girl, of course, has to take her time. You have to let her think that it is her idea to go through gates.

IN the meantime, I am trying to keep Sonny and Skeena - the two fence crossers - in the alleyway. We finally got them inside the wooden pens, much to Sonny's dismay.

Skeena was the first to give up and get caught. Sonny followed shortly thereafter, but had to be cornered the big brat.

After his attitude he was brought into the barn to stay. NO more mixed company pasturing for him for a while. He needs some behaviour lessons.

So everyone had to stay where they were originally until we can get the fence fixed, which I think will be this Sunday. YIPPEE

Should have known not to do anything major on Friday the 13th.



1 comment:

Elly'sMom said...

I hate it when that happens! Fence is down and all. It's always fun chasing horses from one pasture to another, especially when they don't want to cooperate. Had that happen today when El took out the fence. HMPH! Silly horses, they always think the grass is greener on the other side for some reason. :P