Thursday, July 12, 2007

Horses - The Frustrating

She also told me a little story about my "good little mare".

Semi has been at Dale's since Father's Day. And Dale just loves her - or maybe that should be "loved" now.

Apparently, Semi is feeling very comfortable down there now. And so she should. She gets fed sometimes 3 - 4 times a day instead of 2...cause everyone thinks she is starving and has missed a meal. Now remember all, this is my grain pig. Each time someone goes past her pen, she nickers at them...and keeps it up until they are either out of her sight or they bring her food. Dale told me that she knows of a few days for sure that she got at least one extra feeding. No wonder the grain went so fast down there. LOL

Anyway...Semi has turned into a bit of a brat...or rather back into her bratty self.

She had her feet trimmed. Dale was working another horse and came in just after Semi was finished. Apparently, Semi tried to KILL Dale's farrier. She was HORRIBLE. It actually doesn't suprise me as it has always been a fight here...but Dale forgot to mention it to the farrier. When he tried to discipline her - which never goes over well - she tried to kick him. So good thing she is coming home and won't be done down there he wasn't impressed...and I don't blame him.

She has also developed a knack for getting hurt. Just as her chest is almost healed she got her head stuck either under or in the gate of her pen. And her face is swollen on the left side - and the right top lip is droopy. As the swelling goes down the lip seems better. It happened during the night so she isn't even sure what happened or how. Dale was trying to maintain her facial injury - doing some preventative stuff with her eye using eye drops as it was swollen and on the 3rd day she smacked Dale in the face with her head. Dale has two swollen lips - split them pretty bad I guess.

ON a good note, she is being really good about being bred. She was 2 days away from her ultrasound date when she came back into heat. I sure hope she catches this time.

I will be bringing her home on Monday so will have new pics of her chest for everyone and will also post one of her face.



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