Thursday, July 26, 2007

Selling horses

Is an ongoing thing here on the Ranch. Not that we have been having much luck lately.

The market, while some are saying is getting stronger, is still pretty weak for me. Lots of hits on the ads I have posted all over the net, a few inquiries, and just a couple of visits. And NOTHING sold so far.

I am really wanting to sell off half of the horses here...sure don't want to feed all of them through the winter. No rain so far since the first hay crop was cut is going to make the 2nd cut very scarce and expensive.

Guess I may have to make some hard decisions come early fall.



1 comment:

Elly'sMom said...

I know what you mean. I had buyers for all of the babies. Well as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men. Oh well.. I suppose I'll be listing them here shortly. I don't know why I keep stalling... Maybe I'm hoping to keep them all? LOL Now That would put me in the dog house!