Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Herd Dynamics 2

Well, it has been almost a month since we put Ace and Sonny out with the mare herd.

They have settled down pretty well into TWO groups. Sonny has the 5 girls and Ace has one - Lucky. LOL

But the boys are concerning me. I was out walking amongst everyone and noticed that Lucky, Skeena and Gidget are all in heat.

While Sonny is ignoring Gidget (maybe too young???), he is mounting Skeena. He is dropping and getting hard, but he didn't penetrate. And then I turned around and noticed Ace doing the same thing.

Sonny, while I was hoping to not see that, I kinda understand that after being a breeding stallion for 6 years, that "habit" is hard to break. But Ace was never a stallion...never ran with mares after the age of 6 months...and didn't run with mares until 6 months after he was gelded early in his 2 year old year.

HELP!!! Any suggestions other than doing separate pastures again?



1 comment:

Paige said...

It does not make any difference, so I would not worry about it. They are in heat because it is normal for them to be in heat, and being men, the boys are opportunistic. A little recreational love never killed any of them, and if the girls don't want the attention, they know full well how to put those boys in place.

I would not give it a second thought