Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dale and the boys

Monday, July 16 dawned bright and sunny. Forecast was for possible thundershowers all afternoon. I was sooo upset. Seems like everytime I head down to Olds to watch Dale work the boys the weather is the pits.

On the drive down, we followed clouds and went through cloudy areas but NO rain, so we thought we could have some good luck finally.

I was really looking forward to seeing Hyde work and hoping to see Gunner behave after talking to Dale on the phone the week before. And boy, I sure wasn't disappointed.

Hyde is doing FANTASTIC. So good, in fact, that Dale said he is 4 - 6 months ahead of schedule in his training and she is considering taking him out of the yard to do some "schooling" shows with the neighbors. Apparently they all get together at different feedlots and just play with the cows but do it more in a "show" type setting with the turn back riders etc. there is no stress or expectation but it gives the trainers and idea of what the horse will be like away from home and with other horses around.

Dale also said that she will be evaluating Hyde in late August to see if he is READY TO SHOW!!! She said there is a possibility of him actually competing THIS FALL!!! I AM SHOCKED, STUNNED AND THRILLED.

In watching him, I am amazed to see how well he attaches himself to the cow. He is rating the cows speed and turns on his own already. Lost one cow to a deek but the next time cut it off so quick. He is very quick and gets right in the cows face...and you can tell he just loves it. Dale is just awestruck by him.

Gunner on the other hand, is a HANDFUL AND A HALF. He is just a big royal pain in the "you know what". And that is from the get go...from being saddled to bridled to listening on the way to the arena to arguing over every movement. He doesn't pin his ears, switch his tail. Just is cranky. Moves out really nice but fusses about change of pace, stopping, turning. Dale is definately earning her money with him. LOL But you can see the potential in him. He is very quick on his feet on his turn arounds and they are perfect. He just doesn't like to do more than 2 in a row.

Dale is hoping that he will be going along well enough by the end of next week to put him on the mechanical cow. And I sure hope that catches his attention and he turns this around.

I heard from Dale later in the week and she said Hyde is continuing by leaps and bounds in his progress and Gunner is finally taking some steps in the right here's hoping to a wonderful show career for both of them.



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