Monday, May 21, 2007

A wonderful long weekend is over

It was a nice long weekend considering the forecast had been for rain until tomorrow. It rained on Friday for most of the day and then a little bit on Saturday. Sunday morning was foggy and today was beautiful. Too bad I was in bed for most of it with a sore throat and ear aches. Laid down for a one hour nap and woke up five hour later. OOPS.

Guess picture taking will have to wait until tomorrow.

The two mares are doing good. At times I think Dolly can see out of her injured eye...but at other times, she is very spooky so ??? She is, however, allowing me to wash her face (the eye is weeping) with warm water and a cloth and is allowing me to also put in her eye meds - ALL BY MYSELF. This is a great thing for her as she has such a tremendous amount of mistrust about a lot of things. I am very pleased.

Semi too is doing much better. Most of the original scabbing has come off both wounds. And the dead and dying skin is also flaking off. I haven't had to cut anything yet and hope to not have to. LOL The underlying skin is a nice healthy pink color. It still seems "meaty" and when I put the furicin on it, I usually end up with "yuck" on my glove - not just medicine. So am thinking I may need to try something else on it.

Here is today's pic. We are at day 15 of recovery time.

OH...and we are FINISHED with the antibiotics. She was getting soo good at taking them that she was actually opening her mouth for the syringe!!! YIPPEE. What a hurdle.



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