Sunday, May 27, 2007

Another beautiful weekend

I can't believe it has been 5 days since I posted. It has been a busy week (both here at home and at my job).

Doyle has been on holidays (not that he would say so with the amount of stuff he has caught up on here at home). He has taken down a few stretches of fence and will be replacing it all in the next few weeks. Posts needed to be replaced...and I am really trying to talk him into doing boards...not wire again...or at least a board along the top.

I have been playing "vet" still. Dolly is improving - I think. It is sooo hard to tell. Sometimes it seems like she can see you on her bad eye side...and others she gets sooo startled it scares me too cause I just don't know which way she will fly. And in a small stall, there isn't much room for me to get out of her way. She is still taking her doctoring well. Doyle is helping with that a lot by holding her head still so I can fuss with getting her eye opened and putting the ointments in it.

Semi is looking fantastic. She has put on sooo much weight. Still shedding like crazy. She almost goes bald and then fills in with new hair...weird. Her withers, hips and spine are filled in and I am hard pressed to feel, let alone see, ribs. We finally put her outside for an hour this morning in a pen. She "attempted" a strike/buck thing...but it must have pulled cause she sucked up and stopped. Turned around and looked at me as if to say "OUCH". She then settled to eating the little bit of grass in the pen.

Her injury is looking great too. The smaller gash on her right leg is almost level with the skin maybe time to start with the dermagel to get the hair growth back. The larger one is still forming new flesh. some of the bigger pieces of "meat" that were there have dried up and fallen off leaving a level "playing ground" for the new flesh and hair. There is one spot that will probably have to be removed by the vet - it used to be the big long flap of skin that the vet left. It has dried up and is a big hard lump. I don't have the instruments to cut it off so I think she will need to go in for another round of "surgery".

The other horses are all doing really well. Sonny and Ace - the "fat men" - are just that - FAT. Doyle is working on the small pens right now - replacing fence there too - so they will maybe have to find a smaller pasture to feed in for a bit.

The young girls are all looking really good. Dusty has completely shed out already - Gidget and Paris are not far behind but are needing more help. So I am out there every day with the shedding blade. Another couple of weeks and they will look good enough for some new spring pictures.

Skeena and the old girls (Lucky and Copy) have also shed out completely on their own. All are doing really well this year. Lucky especially due to her being 31 this year. NO ribs or hips showing on her and her color this year - WOW.

Molson, our last little "intact" man at home, has had some problems this week with behaviours. He sure is finicky when it comes to who handles him. Melissa went out to catch him and pull some mane hair for his DNA kit for AQHA. He tried to KICK her. What a brat!!! Didn't connect thank goodness. Melissa showed him who was boss though and chased him around his little pen until he sucked under himself and did the old "lick and chew". He still wouldn't come up to her though.

That night I got home from work and went out. Caught him without a problem. Had Doyle come into the pasture to hold him while I pulled hair. NOPE...not going to happen. He pulled right out of my hands. Guess I should have had a lead on him. Went into the barn, got a lead, and pulled the hair myself.

Even this morning, Doyle went to pat him over the fence...NO WAY. I walked up and he trotted over to me for his morning rubbing all over his face and neck. What a boy. Love his "mom" more than anyone I guess.

Anyways...time to go mow the lawn again. It is sure a pretty shade of "yellow". LOL

Have a good day!!!



1 comment:

Paige said...

Semi's healing is amazing, you are doing a wonderful job!