Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Hey everyone,

Another day dawned nice and bright. It is amazing how a little bit of warm weather and sunshine sure makes everything green. After almost 8 months of winter, it is sure pretty out there now!!!

Horses are all shedding out nicely finally. Need to buy a new shedding blade though as everyone had sooo much hair that my old one is worn out.

Semi is coming along nicely. After 3 days of fighting her to take her meds - either in the syringe or in her feed...I decided this morning that enough was enough. Made the pills into the finest powder I could, mixed it with molasses...added in 1 cc of bute as she is still very sore, and put it in a syringe.

Went out to the barn, put just a normal lead rope on her...looked her in the eye and said "we are doing this". And we did. Took about 3 minutes...NO head tossing...NO tossing me sideways into the stall wall...just one failed attempt...and then it went...NOTHING lost on the floor. YIPPEE. Now to hope that tonight goes just as well.

We then went outside where we did the normal hose routine...and then I scrubbed it with an antisceptic sponge to get some blood flow. And hosed it off again. Then it was over to a large patch of grass with the shedding blade in hand. I didn't think she had that much hair - anyone have a bald horse - I am sure I have enough to cover it well.

Doyle is out fixing some fence so we can move horses around again. We found a strand of wire not attached to posts - not broken - just not attached in the middle. I noticed Dusty, Paris and Gidget all very curious about what he was doing and investigating the quad. It was cute. He kept shooing them away but they just don't listen to him very well.

Hope you all have a great Mother's Day.



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