Friday, May 11, 2007

Semi's injury - horrible pics so be wary when looking

This was the last thing I was expecting to find last Sunday when I went out to bring Semi into the barn before heading to Dale Dodd's (cutting trainer) on Monday morning for Semi to be bred for this season.

It just seems like the bad luck fairy can't find somewhere else to roost.

I knew immediately that something was wrong when I called the seniors in for their grain as Semi, my self titled "grain pig", was barely moving...when she would normally run in. As she got closer, my heart just dropped. No more white socks on her front legs, and I could see the glistening of wet blood all down her front quarters.

Good thing I have an iron stomach because when she got up to me - my first thought was "OMG, I have to put yet another one down".

Semi is missing a good 1/5 of her chest and upper leg on the left side and has a huge gash on the right upper leg. It is horrible.

Doyle and I went out and found a gate that had been closed - now laying on the ground. So the only thing we can figure is she didn't realize it was closed and ran through it. Poor old girl.

After a long night of worry, Monday morning finally arrived and Semi and I trecked over to West Wind Vet Hospital in Tofield. Dr. Amy Doyle, their surgeon, worked on her with an assistant and got her all cleaned up. She ended up cutting a bunch of skin off as there was nothing to stitch it to.

Here is a picture from after the vet visit on Monday:

We are doctoring with cold water hosing, meds 2 x per day orally for 14 days, and bute for pain for 3 or as needed. It is going to be a long road.

Semi did really well for the first DAY taking her meds. We are now in a battle morning and night to get them in. The hosing and doctoring of the actual wound is going really well. She is very good about standing while it is being washed and slathered with goopy meds.

Here are pics of the wound on Wed night. What an improvement already.

So some really good internet friends spent all day Friday giving me suggestions on different things to try...with the main ones being mix with molasses and/or applesauce. So after work I trotted off to the store and bought BOTH. Got home...mixed up some of each with her favorite food and she DOWNED the molasses bunch first so that is what we are going to try tonight.

I will be updating this blog on a daily basis with pics every two days as to how she is healing.

Thanks for reading and I welcome all comments.


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