Sunday, June 10, 2007

We have reached WEEK 5

Hey everyone,

It has been a hectic few days - with work and a wedding to go to - along with the normal every day house and horse stuff to attend to.

Semi is doing fantastic. Healing really well still...still in good spirits. are her pics from tonight. WEEK FIVE - DAY 35!!! Hopefully we are in the home stretch.

We have been turning her out in a bit larger area lately but she isn't happy with the grass in there so we are still hand grazing a bit at night. Doyle cut all the grass so it is pretty "short" pickings now. But boy does she ever like the dandelions - for which we are eternally to get her to eat them ALL from the ENTIRE YARD. LOL

We turned her out in an arena sized area today with Dolly - our other injured mare - and they both took turns rolling in the dirt hole. It was hilarous. They then did a couple laps at a trot and a lope. You can tell Semi is still sore but she was sure excited to be out and about. Even went so far as to make me walk after her to catch her to go back in the barn the brat.

Semi is still putting on weight - but it isn't as noticable now. She is still eating good - not getting as much beet pulp now as she was leaving it in her dish. Still amazes me how they can pick out little pellets out of their grain and leave them behind...considering there is 17 lbs of it in her pail at a time.

She is eating a little more hay now - we found some great 2nd cut alfalfa squares - but she is still being a little picky - not cleaning it up. So that still concerns me a little bit.

Her manure is also fairly loose...wondering if that is because it is a primarily grain diet. Hmmm... Have e-mailed her surgeon asking for advice for that.

Hope all is good with everyone. Night.



1 comment:

Paige said...

I would not worry a bit about her picking thru the alfalfa--they all do that when they are fed well--they will pick the parts they like the best, and leave the other parts. I jsut let someone else clean it up for them so there is no waste. She looks incredible for a 24 year old mare- you should weight tape her

How is Dolly's eye?