Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday dawns with lots of work

Well, Monday has arrived. And with it another full day of work on the farm.

Rob arrived 1/2 hour early just as I was headed out to catch horses. Rob is my farrier. So we got an earlier start than anticipated...which was great.

All the horses were in desperate need of trims due to our weather in the early spring - piles of snow and then rain kept us under muddy conditions until the middle of May. And Rob has been really busy lately.

We started with an easy horse - Skeena. She was an angel. Then it was Gidget's turn. You know, for a 2 year old, she sure has a "brat" attitude about her. She fussed and pulled with each and every foot. Dusty and Paris were next...and I had expected more attitude from them...but they were good once we got underway. Paris also got a new halter today. She had outgrown the old one.

Lucky, my old lady (age 31) was next. I brought her in - cross tied her and left Rob alone to do his thing while I caught up the next two - Sonny and Ace. Had them both into the barn by the time Rob finished with Lucky. She was then tied up at the hitching post outside the barn.

Dolly was next. She is really good about everything on the side with her injured eye and extremely touchy on the other - where she can see. Wonder what that is all about.

We then did Sonny. He was a good boy. Even put him outside in the wood pen right beside Paris and Dusty. They did a bit of screaming/squealing at each other but for the most part it was pretty quiet.

Molson was next. As I was bringing him into the barn, Rob looked up and said "I really like him. He is such a neat color". And WHAT A HOLY TERROR he was. I have been working with him cause he can be a bit of a brat at times so I thought he would be good. NOT. He threw himself all over the barn. We finally had to snub him up tight and let him fight it out. Rob would pick up a front foot and Molson would try to lay down. So we finally let him. It must have done some good as he was an angel after that. Babies...what can you do.

Ace was last. Poor boy. He was not happy about this at all. And walk funny after would think he was ancient and had string halt he was picking his hind feet up so high afterwards.

Rob stayed and chatted for a bit. Looked over the horse trailer as he is looking for something like it...but maybe not as big.

After Rob left, it was time to get to the "nasty" part of horse ownership...worming and vaccinations. The vaccinations went really well. Ace and Sonny were HORRIBLE for their worming. Took both Melissa and I to hold Ace's head down to put the tube in his mouth. He is such a monster. And Sonny...he REARED...TWICE. I couldn't believe it. Finally put the lead over his nose and gave him a tune up.

And so went my morning. I am now in the house ( and it is time to start the housework part of my day.

I can hardly wait until tomorrow when I go to my paying job. It will be a nice break.



1 comment:

Paige said...

Wow you got a lot done! But I am more than a little embarrassed at Molson's behavior--maybe he is believing his good press? Seems like they take every chance they can to embarrass us, don't they?