Monday, June 18, 2007

A Night Away FINALLY

Doyle and I took off early Saturday morning for an overnight trip - ALONE!!! No kids allowed.

We hauled Semi down to Dale Dodd's to be bred to her stallion, Whata Sansation. Her wound is healed up enough that Dale said to bring her down - so we did. She is 6 weeks late getting there...but I am sure happy she is no matter the time of year.

We got her settled into her pen, unloaded her grain, medicines etc. and we were off to High River for the night.

It was Doyle's buddy's 50th birthday party on Saturday night. And wow...was he ever surprised. Had NO clue this was being planned. His wife even managed to get his mom and sister into town from down well as getting him 4 days off of work to take them around the countryside. It was also nice to be able to sit back and chit chat with a bunch of people I haven't seen for over a year - some more.

On Sunday morning, we headed home bright and early. We had to get more of Semi's grain in High River as no one near home had any and she is sooo fussy that I didn't want to be switching feeds on top of her being at a new place. We got into Dale's around 10 am on Saturday and dropped off the new grain, turn-out blankets for Hyde, Gunner and Semi and chatted with Dale for a few minutes in the pouring rain.

She had nothing but nice things to say about Semi which was great. Said she was a stunning looking mare...loves her head...and that she is a sweetie to deal with. LOL Good thing she is meeting her now after 6 weeks of being in the barn at home.

She also gave a short update on both of the boys. Hyde has figured out that if he is stubborn and studdy, he has to work harder and longer so has finally given in to doing his job. Gunner on the other hand is going through his stubborn phase. Stops when he wants talking up a storm to the ladies. She laughed and said "they are sure making sure you are getting your monies worth out of my training."

We then headed home from Dale's to have a nice BBQ dinner of meat skewers, potatoes, veggies and salad for Father's Day.



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