Sunday, October 4, 2009

August 29 - Rondee is growing up

Mentally that is.

Christina was here today to do feet. The last time she was here was at the end of May.

At that time, Rondee was very flighty and freaked by everything we were trying to do with her.

This time, she took everything fairly well. She would also walk away from stuff and then come right back to me and put her head against me. Christina thought it was cute...and amazing that she had come around that much considering how hard she fought us doing her feet in May. She still wasn't sure if she "needed" her feet done and was pulling it out of Christina's hands. So I said "hold on" and went and got a bucket of grain and a small rubber container (I am not above bribery).

So with every foot, Rondee got a small amount of grain. Enough though that Christina could nip the foot and do some rasping.

There was also no "wide-eyed" OMG moments, even when she scared herself jumping sideways away from the metal stand that she had hit with her foot, hitting me and then bouncing back to hit Christina. She then just stood and shook for 10 seconds until she heard both of us going "it's okay Rondee". She took a big breath, sighed and relaxed.

I am happy that my time with her (what little there has been this summer) has stuck.

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