Monday, September 21, 2009

July 26 - Catch up post from a busy lady

All this new stuff has me either too tired or too busy to do anything computer wise. So here is a jumble of updates from the month of July:

I am busy working and exhausted by the time I come home. Lots of mental stuff with this new job - and all NUMBERS. Numbers have never been my best friend so I am now at age 41 trying to get a long with them. LOL

Things have been a little unsettled at work. The girl that started with me turned out to have a "bit" of an attitude. She complained lots - expected things to be done differently now that she was there - and caused some strife between our office and the site we get the work from. She also made a few mistakes in her work. She was talked to a few times about things but it didn't seem to make any difference so she was let go on Friday.

So now I am on my own doing this site payroll - I think. EEPS I do have help from a couple of the other girls so if I get stuck or behind I can go to them...but am very nervous about it because I still have not been shown how to do EVERYTHING...and EVERYTHING has to be done by tomorrow at 11 am!!! I am working today - and worked yesterday...and will continue to work every day until they hire someone else. Which could be a while as the two big bosses are away on vacation.

In other news, the kids are doing good. Bailey has been having friends over and been over to friends houses this month...Shayne seems to be content to stay home by himself. Doyle is working lots. We had a massive storm go through last weekend - took out trees, apartment roofs etc. and also the power. So the refinery shut down and they called him in to help supervise - so he had to cut his camping trip short with the kids. They are supposed to be up and running again today and then he can have a few days off.

Melissa is going through a "transition" herself. She was having a hard time at work so gave up and got layed off. Not a great way to end things but it is done. She is still registered for school at the end of August so I think she is going to take some time off - go visit the boyfriend - meet her bio paternal grandparents after not seeing them since she was 18 months old - and then go to school. After that she will decide what direction she is going to go in.

The horses all look good. Have not been able to spend much time out there - this getting up at 4:30, gone by 6:15 and then home after 6 at night is still tiring. I have been going out and giving pats (looking everyone over) each night which everyone but Gunner is happy about (he is a very standoffish boy that one).

Everyone is fat and happy so I am too. The grass has really come up after that week of rain - and I am sooo thankful for that.

Hay crops have been cut for the first time. Not that there was much to cut. The neighbor only got 10 rounds off of his 40 acres. Crops looked to be around 8 inches tall and pretty sparce. I think we are going to have a hard time finding hay at a reasonable cost this year. SCARY.

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