Monday, February 16, 2009

Maybe the recession isn't going to hit too hard??? - Feb 6

I have a lady coming to look at Gidget. She sound very keen on her. Loves the "Lynx" bloodlines and was very happy to see Lynx West on Gidget's papers. We talked for about 1/2 hr about her on the phone and she said she sounds perfect.

The lady came out and a funny thing happened...we recognized each other.

She was out and looked at Sonny 2 years ago. Looked over everyone and did really like Gidget at that time, but likes them older. LOL So now Gidget is older and has caught this lady's eye again.

She kept saying how much she liked etc. So it was a good visit.

She has taken a business card so she can go to my website with a couple of her friends and will look Gidget over again from there.

Her plans would be to train and show Gidget in reining...told me that Cheryl Mitchell would be helping her. She also told me she took the initiative to call Jason and ask about Gidget.

She said she would let me know in a few days...either way. And I believe her as she did the same with Sonny...I did get a phone call from her saying that she didn't think he would be suitable.

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