Monday, February 16, 2009


It has been a week/month of debate here.

We are trying to figure out what we are doing "horse" wise and "job" wise.

As to the job...I am just going to keep plugging away at trying to find something. Have also decided to look more seriously at working from home...maybe an "online typing" type of position.

As for the horses, the big debate is on who to breed to who. And then to make sure we have back-up plans in the event that one or more mares sell.

With me not working, that has also raised the debate on whether we are selling anyone, and if we are, who.

So we decided to list Gunner, Ding, Gidget and Dolly. Gidget and Dolly were for sale before but the decision was made to keep them up for sale.

Gunner was a harder decision. He is still at Jason's in training and is showing. With me not working, him being there is going to be a strain on the pocket book that we may not be able to keep going with for much longer.

It sucks but what can you do.

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