Saturday, May 24, 2008

Spring has sprung - May 9

And the boys are feeling their oats...even those who shouldn't know what the "oats" feel like anymore.

Well, it finally happened. Sonny had enough of Molson and put him over the fence at some point today.

Molson is not hurt - has a few "hair" scratches but no blood or torn skin.

Doyle and I went through all possible "horse buddy" matches and have decided that until we either sell Sonny or Molson or both or geld Molson, both will have to stay by themselves. Poor boys.

We will leave Sonny where he is...and have put Molson in one of the stalls with the outside pen...and tomorrow we will put up some boards and he will go into the two big wooden pens we built for Hyde and Gunner. That means we will have to feed him hay...but do have a smaller pasture/pen beside those that he can go into as well...but it is 1/2 dirt.

This also gives me more of an opportunity to work with Molson as he will be easier to catch at night and I don't have to worry about Sonny being a pain in the ass around us while we catch and leave the pasture. And after leading Molson tonight...he sure needs a good tune up. But the funniest was his attitude when I left the halter on him while in this little pen. He is tossing his head and trying to look down his nose at what is sitting on it...have you ever seen a horse try to go cross-eyed. He is also shaking his head...then stopping and looking at me as if to say "HELP". LOL

The rest of the horses have big pastures to be on so they are all fine.

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