Saturday, May 24, 2008

Changes at work

Things are still going great. But there have been a few changes implemented.

The first is we are now down to two girls in the timeoffice. Rhonda has taken a promotion to Payroll Assistant. Our Payroll Supervisor is going on maternity leave so the current assitant will be moving up...and Rhonda is filling in there.

This now means that the work load has increased a bit. But Cathaleen and I are sure we can handle it.

It also means that we will now be getting every 2nd weekend off instead of every 3rd. And we will be working them alone...which will increase the work load to double on those two days.

The bad part of all this is I will be losing 20 hrs of OT every 4 weeks. That could cut into the boys show I will have to watch my $$$ very closely now.

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