Sunday, October 14, 2007

Update for Oct on the boys

Well, I am a little mixed up on my chronological order in doing all these posts this time but here goes with my update on Hyde and Gunner from Oct 3:

Dale and Hyde were already in her massive round pen warming up with we arrived. So we walked over and through the cattle pen and up on to the seats and hunkered down to watch him work.

Right now she is working on getting more controlled, collected and immediate stop. She has been letting him stop with the cow so that she could get the stop/turn happening as the cow did it - working on confidence. Now she wants him to start coming to a complete stop before the cow does. When he does it - man he is explosive in his turn or his jump ahead to go straight with the cow. I am not sure I could stay on one of those turns. She also has started doing a figure eight pattern at the reverse. It is really neat to watch her and listen - she has gone back to talking to me and explaining everything in great detail as it is happening. I also noticed again that she is very quick to pat once they have done something correctly...but also as quick to discipline if they are continually doing it wrong.

When he was done, she did exactly what she said last time. Got off him - put me on and had me ride him out and open and close the gate - talking me through it all step by step. After we were through we did a bunch of sidepassing....which I was totally doing WRONG. NO wonder Skeena couldn't figure out what I was wanting her to do. LOL We spent probably 15 minutes on it. She said I do have the technique down but need to be more assertive with him. He had me figured out in about 3 minutes that I wasn't as demanding as Dale. LOL Go figure hey? She did say that my leg aides are great as well as my confidence in doing the normal stuff - also said I look very relaxed which was great. She told me to keep practicing at home and to try to strengthen my left leg as she could tell by how Hyde moved that it isn't as strong as my right. I think that has to do with my back issue because I did notice today that when I was using it - my back hurt on the right side. So will have to discuss that with my chiropractor.

We untacked him - and she had me do lots of it this time and put him on the hot walker.

Then it was Gunner's turn. He sure is one built little man. Dale also had me help tack him up - well...just put his splint boots on. I was holding them and she said "put them on"...and then had to tell me how because I have never used them. I had the basic idea down but not the exact placement.

Gunner is working great. She is working on his turning - front legs crossing over each other properly instead of just HOPPING around cause he thinks it is quicker. She also has started the reverse figure 8. He isn't as speedy as Hyde at anything yet but that is to be expected as he is 5 months behind on the cattle work. His main problem today was his stop. he just wanted to keep moving. So that was what they worked on. Go and stop. Go and stop. But is he ever more relaxed about everything. Never got into a dither even when being told HARD to stop NOW. Dale worked 2 cows with him. On the 2nd one he did great with 3 perfect stops. So she quit right then.

I didn't get up on him today as after riding Hyde my back was not happy. But next time - I hope - I will ride them both.

So all in all a great visit.

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